7 Step Leather Clock

Material Lists:

● Wood Clock Template
● Clock Hardware
● American Leather Direct Leather
● Thick Circular Fabric Cutter
● Cutting Board
● Sand Paper
● Beveller Tool
● Wooden Burnisher

Before we begin, pick out your favorite piece of American Leather Direct leather that you want to see on the clock. We are using English Tan Bridle in 9/10 oz, any thinner may cause the clock to bend. You're also going to need a clean work space with room to cut the leather.

1. Lay your leather out flat on the table, with the cutting board under it if you
are not comfortable cutting on the bare surface.

Laid Leather
2. Find your favorite spot on the leather to place the clock template over it to
prepare for cutting.

Favorite spot
3. Cut along the template to make a circle with the leather. Don’t forget to cut a
small circle in the middle of the leather for your clock's hardware.

Cutting with template
 cutting small hole

4. (Optional) Bevel the outside edges of your circle. Once finished beveling, sanding, and burnishing the edges, it will create a smooth finish.


5. (Optional) Add numbers or indicators to your clock.
6. Start unpackaging your clock hardware. Follow the instructions that come
with it.

Unpacking hardware
installing clock hardware

7. Once your hardware is correctly set up, you now have a finished clock. Enjoy
telling time!

 Clock on wall

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